Today - ReWilding West by North West

Thursday 21 April 2016
19:00 to 21:00

The Brent Catchment Partnership/Thames21 and London National Park City Initiative are hosting the Wild WestHuddle on Thursday 21st April at Watermans in Brentford from 7-9pm. Booking essential


At the huddle we’ll hear short wild talks by local activists, innovators, educators, thinkers and makers who are doing great things to rewild hearts, minds and places. There will then be time to discuss the talks, share projects and network.

The Wild West Huddle line up will explore:

  •  Childhoods ~ Daniel Raven-Ellison
  •  Rivers ~ Francesca Campagnoli
  •  Adventure ~ Paul Hyman
  •  Photography ~ Rudy Harding
  •  Art ~ Jasmine Kamal-Pasha
  •  Litter ~ Daniella Levene
  •  Orchards ~ James Morton
  •  Eels ~ Joe Pecorelli
Contact Booking essential: