Donkey Wood Conservation with TCV

Wednesday 08 December 2021
10:00 to 15:30

v pre reed bed

TCV are carrying out practical conservation jobs in Donkey Wood in Hounslow.  They will be clearing dense vegetation from some of the river banks to encourage the development of in-river and marginal vegetation. Plus clearing overgrown vegetation from up to nineteen pond and wetland features within the flood plain of the site. This will enhance their value for marginal plants, amphibians and invertebrates. Other activities include clearing litter from the site.


Meeting point is just inside the Donkey Wood entrance on Staines Road next to Baber bridge.  There are 15 spaces for this activity. Please book your place via the TCV website. 

Contact Judith Ressler of TCV
Donkey Wood, River Crane, meeting at Baber Bridge
TW14 0RD
(view map)
Cost Free but book via TCV please