Lower River Crane Flow Improvement Project

The Lower River Crane suffers from very low flows for prolonged periods each year. This is due to a historic arrangement which diverts most of the flow down the Duke of Northumberland’s River. In October 2016 the Environment Agency (EA) carried out a one-day test to see if more water could be released into the lower Crane at times such as this and the results reported by CVP and by the EA in detail.  

Test lowering of Mereway Weir on 18 October 2016

Marsh Farm - before test Marsh Farm - during test
Flow at Marsh Farm before the test lowering Mereway weir Flow at Marsh Farm during test after lowering Mereway weir

Following this successful one-day test, the EA are starting a year-long test on 29 November 2017. This test involves lowering Mereway Weir to increase flows along the Lower River Crane. The EA will be holding a drop-in from 12:00 till 13:00 at Mereway Weir which is located at the south end of Kneller Gardens on Mereway Road, TW2 6RG. They aim to change the level of Mereway Weir at 12:15.  The EA are also looking for volunteers to help with monitoring the level and flows.  For more details see EA's Press Release.

November 2017